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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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flip12 last won the day on June 23

flip12 had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

708 Excellent

About flip12

  • Birthday 03/16/1984


  • Skates
    Graf 707, MLX
  • Stick
    CCM RibCor 2 PMT P46 amongst many others
  • Gloves
    Warrior AK27
  • Helmet
    Bauer 4500, CCM FV1
  • Pants
    Tackla Air 9000 with suspenders
  • Shoulder Pads
    Warrior AX1
  • Elbow Pads
    Reebok 20K
  • Shin Pads
    Jofa 3195
  • Hockey Bag
    Graf Goaler

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Interests
    Soviet Hockey, IT, Literature, Architecture, Biking, Food+Drink, Philosophy.
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  1. I really liked the Hyperlite toe cap compared to previous Vapors. I felt grelt going half a size down compared to what I wear in older Vapors. Haven’t tried on newer Supremes, just wanted to add my two cents of love for the Hyperlite toe cap.
  2. Key differences not the only differences.
  3. It’s like a Dodo Phoenix out of the ashes and straight into the blade of a wind turbine. Sorry for your bad experience. It’s sad because I really like the BC01 blade I have, and my old Dolomite still performs up to anything I’ve tried since. Their concept isn’t entirely wrong, but the execution sure is.
  4. That’s where I thought you were going and then suddenly it got all Inception.
  5. I’m confused. More closed = less open. How can P28 be more open than Kuch and Kuch more open than Pasta and P28 the least open of the three?
  6. Absolutely, and free express shipping to boot.
  7. Sorry to hear you got a bummer stick at the end of your wait. If I were you, I would complain. It's not reasonable to wait as long as you did. That on its own. On top of that to have a product that doesn't match the spec or live up to reasonable expectations (if they weren't going to paint it the way it looks like it does on their relaunched website, they should have given a heads up) is just the sandy sprinkles on a shit cake. You're doing them a favor saying something. As you said, they won't stay in business long if they alienate their previously loyal customers that want to give them the benefit of the doubt. You shouldn't be out a decent amount of cash, or any amount for that matter, for a product that's honestly way below what it should be.
  8. It's more like Supreme and Supreme extra stiff. Catalyst is supposed to be an agility skate, but it doesn't have the traditional agility flex profile, it's just a little less stiff than their stiffer offerings.
  9. You’ve got good taste. The Wild Berry Viper scheme is awesome, some of my favorite hockey unis ever. Your Innovative stash is incredible. 1100 is one of the sharpest looking sticks ever. Black with white and gold always wins when it comes to sticks.
  10. The guy at the LHS said it’s also supposed to improve scan precision. I tried the current scanner for the first time and I found its suggestion to be at least a full size too big.
  11. No actually. I've looked a few times out of curiosity. The easiest solution seemed to be trying to make it with a 3D printer and the right kind of plastic or going to a cobbler to see if they could work it out.
  12. Just noticed Doughty's got 55-Flex lace extenders. Is this his way of dealing with the switch from (semi-)soft shell to hard shell Vapors? He now contends with Jagr for the all-time Frankenskate.
  13. Gotcha. I thought that's what you meant, but just wanted to be sure. His pro pattern looks amazing. I know @decoy is a huge fan of it.
  14. What do you mean by “the real Sakic?”
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