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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton EQ50 Skates 8.5D

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I'm putting these up for sale or trade before I just take off the holders and put roller chassis on them...

Size 8.5D

I purchased these last September for ~450. Obviously surprised when 4 months later they were $200!

The skates are in great shape. I am a goalie and only got to use them a hand full of times at drop in and at the ODR. I recently purchased another pair of skates, and have a third pair on the way, so I need to thin out the heard a little..

Condition wise I would rate these at a 9.5 out of 10. Tons of steel, few puck marks on the holders, but no real damage to note other than a small (~1") part of the lamination on the outsole that has come up a little (see the last two pictures).

I had an additional copper rivet put on the outside of each front tower of the holders so there are four on the skate.

Skates will come with: Brand new laces of your color/size choice, a fresh sharpening to your liking (including FBV), yellow Superfeet + the stock insoles, and a pair of red cloth TuffTerry blade covers.

I am asking $190 shipped OBO. Interested in certain trades...

Please dont hesitate to ask any questions or ask for more pictures!










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