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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Labeda Swiss Lite Bearings

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Hey, anyone out there use Labeda Swiss Lite bearings? If so, how do they compare to BSB Swiss or Bones Swiss?

I know the make great wheels, do they make great bearings?


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my bones are still rolling great and I have never cleaned them yet after....8 years or so. though some of that time i didnt play hockey they were always used on dirty as hell sport courts and they last. i have the 6 ball ones in there now and ive used others but i would suggest even a lower end pair of bones.

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I cannot compare them to BSB nor Bones Swiss bearing, but I can compare them to Bones Reds and I cannot discern any tangible differences. I play on Sport Court that is pretty dusty from time to time and I am not one to regularly clean and service my bearings. When I change my wheels (at least twice a year), I do pull, remove any debri and re-lube my bearings using Bones Speed Cream. Seems to keep everything running smoothly. I hope this was helpful.

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