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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Upgrading my old CCM E60's. Bauer Vapor x5.0 a good choice?

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Hey guys,

Back at it on the ice after a few years off. I'm, 6'3, 200lbs and had been skating in my old CCM Externo E60's. I noticed after my second practice this weekend that a chunk of the toe of my left skate appears to be ready to break off from being cracked. So it's time to look at new skates. I'm looking to stay under $300 if I can and don't need the latest greatest. I did like the protection of the E60's, but my GOD were they stiff!! I've read lots of good things about the Bauer Vapor x5.0's and I'm wondering if maybe they were a good replacement choice? I've also heard that Bauer's may run really narrow. I have a narrow rear-foot and wider fore-foot. The size 9 CCM's are a tight fit, but not uncomfortably so. I'm wondering if I should still go with a 9, but perhaps in EE instead of D if I do go with the Bauer's. Any thoughts? Any other models I should check out? My LHS (the pro shop at the rink) carries pretty much nothing but lowest end of everything, so I'll need to do the internet thing. I appreciate any feedback. Thanks!



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Shoot let me think back. Old Koho titaniums=externo I think. The externo then became the vector and so on. Pretty sure they were the same fit. You may luck out and find some of the U+06/08 on clearance now that should share the narrower heel and wider midfoot "V" shape you require.

I believe the U+12 and CL are more of a different fit. Not sure of the new CCMs though.

Remembering all this really made me realize all of the mistakes CCM made since about 2002.

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