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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sizing: CCM CL Shoulder Pads, U+12 Pants

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I am 6'2 1/2, 230 pound male, 38 inch waist. I have an athletic-ish build (people think that I am an athlete and that I work out, I used to work out alot, not so much anymore). My dimensions seem about the same as this guy (I do not know how tall he is; I checked out his site and it looks like calls go to a call center). Like him, when I wear black, I actually look slim/ built. However, I am, ehhhhhh, not quite either:

In CL Shoulder Pads, I cannot figure out if I am a L or XL. I have looked at the chart:


* I have a 46 inch armpit to armpit, so I figure I will go XL, and if I start working out again, then gro into it (this is the smallest that my chest has been in years).

With the pants, I hear that CCM runs shorts, so I went XL. According to the sizing chart:


* I sized up, just figuring that I can wear suspenders. Will I regret this? I do not think that my waist will get any bigger. I just figure that I can use what sounds to be a rather large opening, to put my skates through my pants, without having to worry about getting anything snagged.

I know there are a lot of big guys around here, does anyone have experience with the CCM U+ and CL line, that can comment on whether I made the right call? I am ordering everything online, and there is still time to change my mind before the equipment makes it to me. However, once it gets here, I am pretty much stuck with it. I have not played in 17 years, and do not recall what my sizes were back in the day.

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I'm about the same height, but not the same weight (more like 175). I tried on the U+ 12 pants in Large and eventually purchased and returned a pair of Crazy Strongs in Large and they fit me fine (just felt the CS were too bulky). I can only imagine that for someone larger that the XL is the right fit.

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If this helps, I have the U+ 12 M shoulders and I'm about 5'7 with a solid bulid and they are perfect but I've tried the L and they aren't enormous on me. A friend of mine on my team, who has a similar build and is about 5'10 wears the large and has nothing but great things to say about them. I would go XL for you. I find that the CCM shoulder pads fit a little small. I had Reeboks before and I found the M a bit large on me. The CS and CL aren't really that bulky, so even if they are a little big, you won't lose much mobility.

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