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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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alkali ca9 rpd sticks

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Hi all just wondering who has used the alkali ca9 rpd sticks at all

And more to the point has anyone used the A47 curved in the 85 flex

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I don't own one but have puck handled and skated with one for a couple of hours and at the end was glad to hand it back. In the last year I've used top end sticks from 10 or so different brands and sadly the RPD doesn't rate with any of them. Balance felt off, stick felt heavy and the puck felt dead on the stick. However this is just my humble opinion.. I love the boots and protective gear but the sticks don't suit me.

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Don't compare an RPD to a high end stick from Bauer or Easton. You would need to compare it against sticks in the same price range ($149 USD).

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Fair point. In that light they seem to be a solid stick, durable and shoot well. The one I used had had a lot of hard use for 6 months and was still going strong.

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