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Reebok Protective Experts? 20k vs 18k?

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Maybe I am unable to comprehend but I can't see the differences between them. I know they 11k vs 9k was supposedly mobility. So can someone help explain the difference in the Shins and Elbows for me please?

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I saw this stuff a while back and I would have to agree with you if my memory serves me correctly, however I wasn't impressed with any of the Reebok stuff. Though to stay on topic the 18k does seem pretty similar. I don't see what you are paying more for if you went with the 20ks.

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The 18k elbow pads are basically going to be the same as the 9k's from last year, which are my current elbow pads. Full plastic inserts, solid protection everywhere on the pad, no slippage (if they fit you correctly). The 20k elbow pads are essentially the same as last year's 11k's, except there are no pastic inserts, it's an all foam pad. They maintain the protection offered by the 11k without the plastic by using very high density foam instead. Weight savings and break in time would be the biggest differences. The bicep pad is also bigger and covers the outside of the elbow joint. I'd suggest going for last year's models on sale instead of the full retail of this year's models.

With the shin guards it's going to be the same story. Updated liner materials, strapping system is slightly different, JDP cap and shell shape is identical from last year. The 20k's are going to have higher density foams compared to the 18k, and the calf protection is much more evident on the 20k. As I said with regards to the elbows, I'd go with last year's models and save yourself some money, especially on the shins.

I have the 9k shin and elbow pads and from the look and feel of the 18k's they are identical with the exception of the graphics.

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