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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission HL1 and HL2 wheels breaking off hubs

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Surprised I haven't seen any posts about this on here. Recently, it seems like every single pair of Mission AC5 or AC6 skates have an issue with the wheels coming off of the hubs or just exploding. I've seen this more times than I can count now. First I heard that Mission switched manufacturers for their wheels but its gotten to the point where they don't even question warranty claims. Has anybody else had this happen or have an insight as to why it is such a large problem? I would like to know why it is happening so much.


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The problem is they're a very basic wheel, probably to basic for the ac5 skates.

These wheels are more for lighter beginners who aren't going to go around dropping hackeys everywhere with fast stops, faster take offs, aggressive cornering.....etc
But heavier more experienced skaters tend to get these skates since they're quite decent at a decent price & the wheels being available at a cheaper price then the popular brands.

Would be good if they at least held up a little bit but all these cheaper wheels are the same, when you get heavier, experienced guys on them somethings gotta give, either the floor or the wheel.
Reminds me of the old saying you get what you pay for.

I'm confident I could kill these wheels in under an hour.....but with that said these wheels aren't meant for someone like me(185lbs, heavy stopper).

I'll have to get a pair and try them out though for fun. :)

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