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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates for 'tweener' kids -- jr/adult size

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My son is just sizing out of the JR skate sizes and needs new skates for the season. He's a 6.0 or 6.5 size now so we have to move to adult skates. While his foot is an adult size lenght, he's very tall and thin for age so skinny legs, skinny ankles, narrow feet, etc. During the seaon he'll be on the ice as much as 5 days a week with games and practices. What should I be considering when he's trying on new skates? He's about 85 to 90 pounds. Can skates at that weight be too stiff? I skate with CCM +12 and love them, but would something like that be overkill for an 85 pound peewee?

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The soon-to-be-released RBZ 80 is the highest end skate in that line to have Jr specific construction extend into size 7. They did that for the exact reasons you listed out, so I would target those for him to try on. I don't think the RBZ 80 is as high end as the U+12, but I haven't seen them yet to compare.

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The soon-to-be-released RBZ 80 is the highest end skate in that line to have Jr specific construction extend into size 7. They did that for the exact reasons you listed out, so I would target those for him to try on. I don't think the RBZ 80 is as high end as the U+12, but I haven't seen them yet to compare.

Based on it's place in the product line, I would expect it to be similar to the U+08.

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