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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Getting back into it

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Ok everyone, I need some help. I played 3 years of organized hockey, from peewee through bantam, but it's been 13 years. I haven't even been on the ice in 10 years.

Unfortunately, I work 6 days/55 hours a week, so I don't exactly have much time to get out on the ice and practice. I'm looking for some good ways to build up some endurance and stamina again, off the ice. I'm an asthmatic, so I'm really more worried about my lungs over anything else.

For right now, I just want to get the basics back, by going to sticks and puck sessions once a week. Maybe get out on the inlines after work, but it's usually dark at that point.

My hope is to be ready to join a beginner/novice league in the spring or summer.

Thoughts? Help?


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Any type of off-ice cardio work will improve your stamina on the ice. A couple of short plyometric excercise sessions a week would also help a good idea.

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