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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut


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Skated in them for the first time yesterday, at CCM's Skills Camp - they brought in dealers from the area.

I laced up my skates (I didn't get my eyelets in time so I just laced it through the hole) with the Med inserts and realized they didn't feel that great once I started walking, so I removed them and put in my custom Superfeet. (I'll try the low version next time)

They ran us through drills, which pretty much killed me, but I am having trouble with the holder - even more than what I had with the APX2. I could barely do crossovers - I couldn't hold them - but I think once again it is the profile I did (11') - I'm going to go back to 9' on both skates. The taller holder makes everything so much quicker and I think that having the longer profile is counterproductive.

Started to get wicked lace bite on top of my ankles, but after I went ahead and relaced them, making them a little bit looser on top, and they were much better after that.

Weight is very good, so is the balance. No major pain after I skated, either, which was a pleasant surprise.

I will give it this - it is the best skate I've ever used from CCM. They really stepped their game up with this boot. It just needs some tweaking in terms of the profile, which I will do before my next skate.

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