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Knee weakness (grinding/cartilage problems)

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I saw another knee thread here but not sure it helped me out enough...

I'm scheduled to see an orthopedic sports doctor tomorrow for knee weakness/dull pain that started in both knees to figure out what's wrong.

I've had very noticeable weakness in both knees for about 1.5weeks (after a rigorous work week as a videographer on top of 4 hockey games). I stopped any activity for the last 4 days and noticed little improvement with rest. I've been playing roller/ice hockey since I was 15 (I'm 32 now) up to 4x a week.

A year ago, I started to notice my knees were grinding pretty loudly...I used to be 20lbs overweight, but now I'm average weight. My over 30 league teammates say as long as your knees don't hurt, no matter what sounds they make, you're still okay.

Over the past weekend, I kind of psyched myself out reading about possibly having Runner's Knee/Chondromalacia/Osteoarthritis...I've been kind of depressed, thinking my hockey career/skating is going to end, which matters to me more than any other form of exercise. I really hope this is all just a temporary overuse of my knees and not a chronic degenerative condition.

Are other people suffering grinding knees/cartilage problems? How long did it take you to overcome any inflammation, if you do? Was strengthening your quad muscles really the best physical cure for it? Did chondroitin help? My dad who's a doctor does not believe it works. Were you back to playing hockey like normal again?



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After a game I noticed my left knee was swollen. I had a collision or two that night but no pain. The next night it was double in size but still no pain. After doing heat and ice I started having pain when getting up or down. Any squat type move and using stairs. Definitely couldn't put much weight on it. Finally went to my Dr and was diagnosed with runners knee. Short story he put me on a physical rehab routine I could do at home. It targeted the supporting muscles around the knee. Then once I could put weight back on the knee he forced me into the gym to then continue training around the knee.

I'm 5'11" and weigh 165lbs. Dr said it could have been a combination of things. But I took 3 weeks total off hockey and did the rehab. Then tested it for a few games were a brace on. Then 3 weeks after that took the brace off. I'm fine now but still continue in the gym.

Could be very different than you but that's my experience.

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I've got some issues with my right knee, mostly they're genetically based. I know it's slightly different here but I can relate to your issues, though I often had pain as well. The best idea is to strengthen everything up and down the leg, quads, hamstrings, calves, shin muscles, everything you can. That will hopefully stabilize any grinding or floating kneecap (an issue I've had) problems.

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i hear that. if i played a tournament or something, the day after going down stairs my left knee used to bug me a bit. where in your knee is the dull pain? mine is directly under my kneecap.

problem now is i'm almost 6 months out of breaking my left tibia, which caused me to lose a ton of muscle in my left leg, thus making my knee pain way worse considering no strong muscles around/supporting the knee. i'm at the crossroad now where its hard to build muscle cause of the pain, but the pain will go down once stronger (hopefully).

knees are a bitch.

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My initial rehab was just a resistance band. Tied a knot in one end and shut in a door. Tied the other around my ankle and did exercises that targeted muscles right around the knee cap. My pain was at the bottom of the knee cap. At one point the knee was clicking when I walked or used stairs. If you've lost a lot of the supporting muscle that could be a big part of it.

The knee is a huge part of your body. Make sure to get multiple opinions from doctors.

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There is so much soft tissue and hidden areas with the knee the only good way to find out if there is a problem is an MRI. I have the same issue, feels like someone is trying to pry my knee cap off from the bottom. My MRI shows that I have developed a slot on the underside of the kneecap that keeps it from tracking correctly all the time. I where a small soft brace designed to keep the kneecap inline and everything works good. Before panic set in just remember a lot of strange sounds and feelings are normal with age. At my age and what I've done I would be more worried if things didn't make noise.

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Thanks for the replies everyone...much appreciated.

So my orthopedic sports doctor said I have Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome and "maybe a little chondromalacia." Essentially my kneecaps aren't tracking correctly over the joint. The feeling, like chk hrd said, is also someone trying to slowly pry my kneecaps off, somewhat of a burning sensation.

The medical resident said my quads and hamstrings are way too tight (it's true I rarely stretch) and my inner thigh muscles which I never work out (esp. the vastus medialis) aren't strong enough to compensate for my outer thigh muscles, so my kneecap keeps tracking off to the side -- causing increased grinding and inflammation over the joints. I never knew this stuff could happen to your knee. The doctor also said yes the grinding is just part of the process of getting older.

He prescribed me painkillers, 6 weeks of physical therapy, ice after the end of each day, and also open patella knee braces.

He didn't say when I can go back to hockey, just when it feels good and strong. Could be 3 weeks or 2 months...

It's been somewhat of a relief but took my knees for granted way too long...

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