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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer skates vapor x60 vs. older models.

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Tried on a pair of x60 today liked them just wondering beacuse I see online fairly good deals on x6.0's and x7.0's are these signifigantly diffrent? or just the old versions?

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Ok let me tell you this, before vapor was all xxx, xxv, and stuff like that, then they moved to x60 top of the line, x50,x40, etc. then with the next vapor series, they made the apx the top of line line, then 7.0, 6.0, 5.0, etc. and now they're at apx2 top of the line, x100, x90, x80, x70, x60 etc. with you posting this I just realized how damn confusing bauer made all the vapor names, like why would they do this lol

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Ok so by looking at what is posted you can see that the new x60 is the 6th skate in the lineup, and the old vapors 7.0s, and 6.0s are 2nd and third in the lineup, so you could incur that the 7.0s and 6.0s are better, unless the new edge holder means that much to you

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The problem is that the number of skates in the lineup also changes, so I wouldn't use x'th skate as a reference. Inform yourself which skate is the same as the previous year from credible sources and assume the models in between those are just that. A complete table would be nice for reference, as the information on this subject matter is spread all over the internet.

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A complete table would be nice for reference, as the information on this subject matter is spread all over the internet.

Problem is, it's definitely not going to come from Bauer. They're never going to release a document that says, "Skate X from the new line is the same as Skate Y from the old line, which can be had for 60% of Skate X's price."

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