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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Loctite or Teflon tape for axels?

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Hi guys,

Last night was the last straw for me with these loose axels. One wheel was almost coming off the frame. Anyways, I've heard of guys using Teflon tape and/or loctite to solve this problem. I switch from indoor to outdoor weekly so I don't want this to be permanent or anything so I have been hesitant to do anything. Anyone have suggestions/pics/videos on what they use and how?

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I use Loctite in all my skates and machines, never have any issues. Most new inline hardware comes with Loctite on the screw already. It does need to be re-applied though. So if you are removing the hardware on a weekly basis then a drop of Loctite every time will keep them tight. Also make sure you have the proper spacers between your bearings. If you don't, then guys tend to leave the axels loose because their wheels won't spin if they fully tighten them.

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Just make sure you use the medium strength (blue) loctite, because if you use high strength loctite, it will be permanently screwed and so will you. :wink:

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