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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood Stasny pattern

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Hi, how does the Sherwood Stasny pattern compare in lie to an easton Drury/Parise?

also does anyone know how the Sherwood 75 flex compares to say Easton flexes?


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Stasny to be always played more Sakic-like. Then again - I only had the wood versions.

I believe Sherwoods answer to the Drury is either the Regher or Ryan (although the Ryan is not as open and wedge like).

Although my experience with Sherwoods has been wood or 2-peice - the OPS's are reported as playing slightly stiffer than rated.

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Stasny to be always played more Sakic-like. Then again - I only had the wood versions.

I believe Sherwoods answer to the Drury is either the Regher or Ryan (although the Ryan is not as open and wedge like).

Although my experience with Sherwoods has been wood or 2-peice - the OPS's are reported as playing slightly stiffer than rated.

I have a T50 and have to agree on this notion.

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According to their pattern chart, the PP20 Regehr is the Drury clone - in fact on some charts (older? newer?) it is oh so subtly named the PP20 DR.

The Ryan PP09 is, IMO a really great medium between the Modano/PM9 and the Drury/Parise. Enough loft to make getting the puck up nice and easy, but much less likely to shoot head-height shots over the net from the circles.

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