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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Axiom T10 Sizing Question

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A) Do Mission Axiom T10 sizing = Bauer Supreme One.9 LE (NXG)?

I am 10.0 EE in One.9 LE Supreme, considering ordering a pair of Axiom T10's on clearance, if I can get my size dialed in.


B) How is the pitch on Axiom T10, compared to Inhaler AC series? I am looking for a less aggressive pitch.

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Axiom and Supreme skates have a similar fit. If youre a 10EE in Supreme you are more than likely a 10EE in the t10s.

I have both the T9s and AC1s and having skated on both for some time I can say that the AC line skates have a slightly less aggressive pitch than the Axiom line but not by much at all.

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