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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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wheels for sprung chassis on pavement?

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New to roller hockey. I've been skating on ice for decades and never really done much inline. My son (8 yr old) wants a pair of inlines so we can mess around in the driveway or play street hockey. I got him a pair of youth skates (Mission). For myself, I got a pair of Sprung A6s that just became recently available. Going to have them mounted on my old Supreme Tones. The thing is, I have no idea what to get for wheels. I plan on skating almost exclusively on asphalt, our driveway or some tennis courts. Any recommendations for wheels? Thanks in advance.

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If you want your wheels to last, get the wheels that have the hardest durometer rating you can find eg 84a or 86a. Typically these are the older style outdoor speed racing wheels (you can find lots on ebay) but they work fine for outdoor hockey. However, depending on the smoothness of the outdoor surface, you may get some slippage. If so then look at a softer wheel around the 80a or 82a region. For the price the Tron mega hz outdoor wheel is hard to beat ($1.99 each). The Labeda asphalt wheels are good.

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Do not get hard Wheels! Your back will hurt and you will not enjoy your ride and you are wasting the Sprung Chassis on that garbage; hands down the Labeda Addictions XXX or Labeda Griipers. http://www.hockeymonkey.com/labeda-hockey-wheel-addiction-xxx-wht-grn-2013.html - Ideal durometer - 76-78

I just got back on my inline skates after an injury and had overlooked the duro / hardness of the wheels when I got the skates - huge difference when I got softer wheels.

Yes softer wheels will wear out sooner when on the street, but you will gain more in the control / confidence area which is worth the trade-off. Your not looking to become the inline skating speed champion; you are looking for control and comfort.

I have a question - What is a good inline skate / or Ice Skate to use with the Sprungs?

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Do not get hard Wheels! Ideal durometer - 76-78

??? If you don't care how much coin you are dropping on wheels, then fine - go and buy addictions. I shredded a set of orange addictions (82a's) inside of 20 minutes on asphalt - expensive mistake to make. If you want to take this path then I suggest you go and buy some 76a-78a tron wheels, at least the pocket will not hurt as much when you replace your wheels after one session.

Nothing eats wheels faster than asphalt or street hockey.

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??? If you don't care how much coin you are dropping on wheels, then fine - go and buy addictions. I shredded a set of orange addictions (82a's) inside of 20 minutes on asphalt - expensive mistake to make. If you want to take this path then I suggest you go and buy some 76a-78a tron wheels, at least the pocket will not hurt as much when you replace your wheels after one session.

Nothing eats wheels faster than asphalt or street hockey.

I take that back and take that back.. I guess the part of " I just got back on" in that post was the adrenaline talking... Those wheels will get destroyed by asphalt. Worse yet and this is my favorite part ( video to come) my friend fell ate sh*t face first skating on 78As ... they don't kid around about those wheels being sticky.. lmao..

Harder wheels for sure.

New to roller hockey. I've been skating on ice for decades and never really done much inline. My son (8 yr old) wants a pair of inlines so we can mess around in the driveway or play street hockey. I got him a pair of youth skates (Mission). For myself, I got a pair of Sprung A6s that just became recently available. Going to have them mounted on my old Supreme Tones. The thing is, I have no idea what to get for wheels. I plan on skating almost exclusively on asphalt, our driveway or some tennis courts. Any recommendations for wheels? Thanks in advance.

How are the sprungs btw ....

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I take that back and take that back.. I guess the part of " I just got back on" in that post was the adrenaline talking... Those wheels will get destroyed by asphalt. Worse yet and this is my favorite part ( video to come) my friend fell ate sh*t face first skating on 78As ... they don't kid around about those wheels being sticky.. lmao..

Harder wheels for sure.

How are the sprungs btw ....

Hard to say. As I said, I come from ice with no roller hockey background. The first time I tried them, holy crap, it was brutal. My son on the other hand can skate circles around me after only 2 or 3 times on his. HIs are just youth Missions, no fancy chassis or anything. Mine are total ones with Sprungs. I can hardly stand up.

I can feel the sprung effect, but for me, it hasn't made much difference yet, since I'm still just trying to figure out the basics.

I'll report back after a bit more time.

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