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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shoulder pad Junior Small with wider openning?

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My son is 7.5 years old, but his head is big for his age. Currently his helmet is Adult Medium and close to Adult Large.

So he has Easton EQ10 shoulder pads size Youth Medium and we like those light weight pads for his home team games, but he needs bigger size such as Junior Small and 2 more reasons: his head is too big so it is not easy and painfull to put it on. Second, he plays sometimes with bigger kids and here level of contact is much higher and he had some punches from others sticks etc.

So we are looking to buy Junior Small new shoulder pads. The issue is still head space.

Can you please advise which brands/models would have wider space for his head?

I will order online so want to make sure it fits well...

From brand preference: Warrior is his best choise. Bauer comes next. Reebok, CCM and Easton on third place.

Any particular models/recommendations?

I tried to google this head spacing concern related to shoulder pads and found nothing...

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