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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Size 10.0 EE Bauer Supreme One.9 LE = ? CCM U+ Crazy Light ?

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I am considering a purchase of the CCM Crazy Light skates, which are at a brilliant discount right now for clearance/ Labor Day. Does anyone know how the sizes translate from 10.0 EE Bauer Supreme One.9 LE to CCM U+ Crazy Light? I know HM has some sizing charts that I can reference, but I do not trust those charts 100% when making these purchases, since I found an error in the chart where my size is- they say size 12 US correlates with 45.5 in the CCM chart, and 46.0 in the Bauer chart).

I am wearing Bauer One.9 LE size 10.0 EE. Everything has been great with these skates, except a hot spot on the inner toe cap which has lead to a bump on the ball of my left foot (my bigger foot). You can see it in this pic- it is subtle but it is there, and it is sensitive when my physio presses on it. I hope this bump goes away in the next couple of days.

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