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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok Pro Goal Pants-- Cheap! Navy Medium

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Hey guys. I just updated my goalie pants and am looking to move my old ones.

Reebok Pro's from a few years back.

These are a few years old, and were used the entire time (minus a few months during the summers). There IS still life left in them. I just want them gone. More or less just want these to go to someone who needs a decent set of goal pants and can't afford $300+ pairs.

These are in no way 'new'.

Navy in color

Medium in size

Inner belt system still intact (never used)

Great protection. Never had a stinger

There is a 'rip' in the crotch. Probably ~6" or so. I am sure this could be sewn up with no issues.

There are wear marks, and some worn all the way to the foam, on the bottom binding of the legs.

I am asking $10 + actual shipping cost.

Please respond here or email me at gogophers34@aol.com

Thank you!





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