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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Jersey Devils 13-14

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Brunner seems to be carrying his weight so far. Hopefully chemistry will develop over time with all the change-ups.

The big thing I've noticed is they're getting killed when they're defending a rush. I don't know if it's just a bad decision-making or poor gap control.

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Not all the new forwards are aware of what to do in the Neutral zone and who is supposed to be third guy high in the O-Zone. You get 3 guys forechecking too deep and the new players aren't sure who's supposed to be doing what yet because they're still learning the system. They'll figure it out.

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Honestly, if he wasn't jumping from team to team, he'd be a great captain. He actually has a lot of great input and a great attitude/work ethic. Being that he's played for everyone Devils fans don't like, I almost wish we'd picked him up sooner so I could have liked him this much sooner. It's been an absolute joy watching him play.

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