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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom sticks/gloves

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What are you looking to have done? You can get most sticks "custom" but it all comes down to how much you have to spend. Most manufactures require you order 6 at a time and at full price, that's pretty expensive.

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Agreed. Money can buy anything!

Warrior and Eagle is the most common place to get gloves done if you are talking about a pair or two. Check out the threads here about the Warrior and Eagle customizer for more info, but in short you can change shell material, color, palm, cuff, etc from their choices.

Bauer and Easton also offer custom gloves, but mainly just color and the minimum is high (15+?). Its intended for club and high school teams.

Sticks are harder to get done. Warrior and Bauer offers their customizer if you need a small quantity, but its not to the point that you can submit a curve and get it replicated. Base hockey also offers a customizer I believe.

As Tyler Roy mentioned above, you have to get into higher quantities with companies like Easton, CCM/Reebok, etc.

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