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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sizing in Reebok 20K Elbow Pads (XL or L) ?

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Kudos to CCM/ Reebok, who is sending me a replacement pair of elbow pads for my coming apart at the seams/ straps experiencing an epic fail CCM CL (size Large). Would you guys recommend L or XL? Every time I speak with someone, I get a different opinion. I am 6'2, 215 lbs- average size biceps, pretty meaty forearms. The CL pads fit fine in the bicep strap (plenty of room), but were uncomfortably tight in the elbow and forearm straps. Needless to stay, they stayed in place just fine, but were a bit uncomfortable due to just being so tight. So, I am leaning toward XL, but some say that the volume fit of the 20Ks is different than the CLs, and thus the L would be ok. I am the guy on the far right- 6'2, 215 bs- the woman next to me is around 5'6, 120, and the guy on the far left is around 5'10, 165.

* CCM/ Reebok are out of stock of L and XL in the 20K until Feb 2014, so I am presently backordered for size XL. I am figuring I will likely stay with the backorder as is, just wanted to see what you guys think


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I have the CCMs in what I feel is a snug Large and I actually had to go down a size to Medium when trying on other brands of elbow pads. I went with Warrior AX1s, which seemed to fit similarly to the Reeboks I was able to try in my LHS (unfortunately not 20Ks). I was surprised by this because I'm a L/XL in every other piece of gear. So for what that's worth, I might not assume you are keeping the same size or larger between the CCM and Reebok elbows.

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