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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok Center Ice Authentic Practice Jerseys

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Hey all, a while ago i bought a rangers crested practice jersey (reebok - center ice - authentic) - My question is, where do they come from, and how can i get an un-crested one. As much as i love the rangers, i hate going to open hockey with an NHL logo on the front. Im not looking for the cheap practice jersey from some fan site retailer. I would love to get in touch with some reebok rep etc and figure out how to get a line on these, i have a bunch of people that would love to get an uncrested one.

similar to this one on ebay... $(KGrHqV,!ocFJkTmsj82BSZbg039hg~~60_3.JP

with fight strap...



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Hockeytron says their top of the line NHL colourway sweaters have everything including fight strap. You may have to deal with the tron logo, but that's not a horrible thing. And they are only $39.99. Haven't tried one, but I think I will.

Just a thought.

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I understand. The Tron logos all over their socks kinda made me not want to use their socks. I have no idea if the Tron sweaters have the Tron logo all over the place...

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