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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Total One volume issues

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So I have read dozens of threads on vapor v. Total ones/supremes and was under the impression that the former was lower volume than the latter. I wore vapor 60's, size 9 D for a year and they were good with the exception of a little heel slippage. I picked up some total ones and went down to an 8.5 D and they fit my feet perfectly and the heel locked in, but I've started getting some incredible ankle pain on my left inner ankle bone- almost like it's rubbing on a tendon. Come to realize that my ankle bones are infringing on the upper eyelets and I fail the pencil test starting at the third eyelet. Pulled out the vapors to compare and my ankle sits back nicely and is nowhere near the eyelets, pencil test passes with flying colors, and the boot seems to wrap my ankle and forefoot nicely- the total ones do not.

So I know the size change factors in, but didn't think it would be enough to counteract the deeper boot of the total ones. I really like the fit in the forefoot and heel lock of the total ones, but pretty much everything else I prefer the vapors. I'm stuck somewhere in the middle it seems. Anyone else experience this?

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How u feel u toes in 8.5 TotalOne and 9 Vapor when while standing and skate stance?

In the total ones (which I know are really an E last) forefoot and heel are perfect and length is good since I can feather the toe cap standing. In the vapors I have to slide forward slightly (enough to barely fit a pencil behind the heel) to touch the toe cap.

I'll look into to nexus. What about the apx? I remember reading some claims that the forefoot was a little roomier and the heel lock better.

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