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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Minnesota Twin Cities League for all levels

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Affordable leagues all over the Twin Cities


11 officiated games, only $149!


Note: Please read Hockey Finder Skill Level Definitions to get an idea of where you should play. Twin Cities - North Metro, MN - Adult

Twin Cities - South Metro, MN - Adult

Twin Cities - East Metro, MN - Adult

Twin Cities - West Metro, MN - Adult

St.Cloud, MN - Adult

Duluth, MN - Adult

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Is it too late to join with games starting so soon? Additionally is there any open hockey times on the east side of the cities on Friday nights or the weekends. I would classify myself as around a 2 skill level if that adds anything.

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Sorry I missed this question. There is room in the St. Paul division most of the others are full. What area works best for you?

Also there are loads of pickup games posted on the site. Just grab one that works best for you.

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Saw you at the hockey show in St. Paul. Great booth. Your pick up games are a good time. Nice work by captains discreetly making adjustments mid game. Seem a like Friday night is level 2-4 but it works. Thank you for taking the time to visit a few minutes at the show.

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