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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shoulder pads questions

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After six months of hard work I've lost some weight and I'm now at the point where my should pads are far too big. It's been a long time since I've looked into this piece of gear so I'm hoping for some MSH advice after reading a bunch of old posts. Considering the majority of my life in high school and college I wore Douglas pads and since then I've worn RBK 6K fitlite frankenpads. I'm playing three times a week and I'm looking for more protection than the Pro Defender but I don't need highest end gear.

I love my RBK 6k pro elbow pads. Is there a equivalent in the should pads world? No hard caps, less bulky, along those lines? Branding of jofa or rbk isn't my concern.

Also, in terms of retail, the pads that stand out to me now are Warrior's Projekt shoulder pads. I've seen them in white and blue/grey and they seem to fit the bill in terms of what I/m looking for but my lhs doesn't carry them. Fit is always tough for me at 6'5 and all of my height is in my torso so I often need to make my on adjustments for protection though my projekt girdle does add coverage in the belly.

Any one have suggestions on items to check out??

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No hard caps, eh? So that would be the top two CCM pads (CL, CS), TotalOne NXG and Reebok 20K.

All different fits though.

If you can wait until Spring, I'm REALLY impressed by the APX2 shoulders. Without getting into details, they're the definition of a pad that fits the characteristics that you've outlined...

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