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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Narrow helmets? Is my heard weird?

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I have a large but narrow head (24 3/8") and the 4500XL on its shortest setting fits me like a glove. 5100XL also fit well.

I'd like to try an IMS 7.0 or 11.0. I believe the floating inner would give a bit more fit tolerance than the helmets with more rigid shells/foams.

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So I finally ordered an IMS 9.0 in Medium. Still too wide!

It wobbles side to side just a little bit. Is that OK? Ugh..I'm tired of buying and returning helmets.

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So did you see my comment on looking at the Re-Akt in Small?

That may be my next option. It's just funny that all of these more expensive helmets don't fit as good we my cheapo Bauer 2100. :laugh:

The IMS 9.0 feels weird in the front. Instead of going straight down against the forehead, its like only half an inch is touching my forehead and there is a gap above. So it feels like just a ring around the front of my head.

If I put my hands on the side of my head and squeeze in, the helmet fits! But I can't go around the rink holding my head.. lol

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