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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What size end plug to extend INT shaft?

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Just a quick question, I use intermediate sticks and have a Warrior Dynasty intermediate shaft I use. I want to extend it a bit as I think I cut it too short, and was wondering if Sr or Jr plugs would fit the shaft? Would Jr plugs be too small or Sr too big? Would I need to shave one down?

Anyone with experience putting a plug on an int shaft, I'd greatly appreciate the insight.


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It depends on the shaft. Some could take SR while others must take JR. If I remember correctly, I think the Dynasty takes JR pretty well, and you could always put a layer of tape or two over the tenon to take up some space.

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I would suggest junior and adding tape as AIREAYE suggested. Always easier than shaving down a senior.

I actually useto use junior plugs on a lot of my senior sticks. Especially those with concave shaft dimensions. I like the overall smaller shape as well.

Then I found those composite tapered ones and fell in love.

The Warrior composite plugs are fairly square and the tenon is hollow with thin walls. With that in mind, I was able to shave a little bit off of the edges of the tenon to have it fit into an APX shaft. It was a chore though and required a lot of precise sanding and a lot of heat! The plug is never coming out of that shaft because of that.

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