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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBZ Stage 2 vs. Covert DT1

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Well, my Nexus 1000 broke the other day, so I need a new stick. Once again, I'm going to turn to you all. You've never steered me wrong in the past.

So, I'm kinda leaning toward the DT1. I loved the Widow that I had just before the Nexus. Also, the Warrior technology has been proven year after year.

But the RBZ is really tempting, too. It looks like they are using some really cool technology on that stick. I'm just hesitant to drop $250 on a stick that I'm not sure about, when I know the Warrior will deliver high performance for the same price.

Anyone have experience with both? Should I go with the tried and true, or break out of my comfort zone?

As always, I appeciate everyone's help.

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I have both and I would go with the dt1 as I prefer the effortless and quick release over the stage 2 as well as puck feel. You could also try to get a RBZ on clearance as I've read on msh that some found the stage 2 to lack the pop that the first one had.

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Well, my Nexus 1000 broke the other day, so I need a new stick. Once again, I'm going to turn to you all. You've never steered me wrong in the past.

So, I'm kinda leaning toward the DT1. I loved the Widow that I had just before the Nexus. Also, the Warrior technology has been proven year after year.

But the RBZ is really tempting, too. It looks like they are using some really cool technology on that stick. I'm just hesitant to drop $250 on a stick that I'm not sure about, when I know the Warrior will deliver high performance for the same price.

Anyone have experience with both? Should I go with the tried and true, or break out of my comfort zone?

As always, I appeciate everyone's help.

Personally I would choose the DT1. However the DT1LT should be compared to the stage 2 since they are both the "newer and improved" versions of their predecessors. I've had both the DT1 and DT1LT both are great with the edge going to the LT, but if you can find a good price on a DT1, don't hesitate to grab it.

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If you take a lot of slappers, the RBZ might be a better option. Otherwise, I would go with the DT1

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