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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone Near a Sportchek, help?

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Would anyone be willing to pick up one or two of these for me for reimbursement?

I'm particularly looking for the shaft pictured, it's the concave/convex aluminum/graphite shafte w/ a titanium insert.

Also heard some sportchek's may have the old stock of the white fedorov nike skates I've been searching for.

PM me if the holiday spirit moves you !!! B)

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don't get them, they don't fit any blades, you have to force the blades in and then it warps the shaft and when you take a shot it just breaks. We've had so many returns on those shafts.

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yeah, I know about the grip.

picked one up on ebay the other day for kicks and I LOVE the shaft shape. It's thin and the concave convex feels very comfortable.

Think you might be able to help me out all star? B)

I haven't had the shaft long enough to see the damage near the insert, but I hope all goes well :unsure:

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