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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fit and Palm ?: Bauer Vapor APX vs. Warrior Covert DT2 Bone-X

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a) If I am a 15 inch in Bauer Vapor APX, then am I also a 15 inch in Warrior Covert DT2 Bone-X?

b) Also, looks like the only difference between Warrior Covert DT1 glove and the Warrior Covert DT2 Bone-X is the palm. Looks for sure like the DT1 palm will give better feel; does anyone know which palm is more durable? I am considering replacing my Vapor APXs with Covert DT2 Bones after a surprisingly huge bruise developed after getting hit with an inline puck slapshot square on a thumb block (the one between the "Bauer" embroidered cuff and the logo'ed "Bauer Vapor APX" section of the thumb (pics in the review that I wrote, which I had to update to include this matter). Thumb will be fine by next week, just lucky it was not an ice puck.

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