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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Elbow pad sizing.

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Hello, I currently have Bauer supreme one 60's in size small, and they fit fine, but the level of protection is just not where it needs to be. So I'm looking at the ccm u+12 elbows. If I get them should I go up a size or stay at a small? By the way I'm like 5'10 or 5'11 weigh about 142, and don't have the biggest of arms.

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I'm 5'8.5"-ish and wear a medium. I have the arms of a praying mantis and am amply protected without the elbow pads falling off. My Tron Elite elbows cover both the biceps and wrist areas and have hyper extension protection.

My suggestion? Definitely move up in size.

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Why should he move up a size if small fits him? He wants a more protective pad, not one that fits looser. There is some difference in sizes between brands, but if you are a small in Bauer, a small in CCM should suffice. I wear a medium in both brands, and am 6' 195 , with average sized arms.

That said, not sure if u+12 is much of an upgrade over the One60s. What exactly are you looking for protection-wise?

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Okay, then where exactly is the elbow pad not covering or is just the design not protecting well? I am assuming that not everything is covered. I know in Reebok, you are ouside of small in their sizing (5'11" is not a small), so this is where I base you needing to move up a size. Are your arms abnormally short for your size?

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I would look at the higher end offerings from different companies. Reebok 18K (I guess the 20K have been rexcalled, see JR's post), Easton Stealth RS, Warrior AX1 are all highly protective. I agree with drb81, CCM's run short (I have the CLs and love them, but there is a bit of a gap between them and my Bauer 4-Rolls). Prior to getting the CLs, I used these which were very protective and a great bang for your buck: http://www.hockeytron.com/Hockey-Protective-Equipment/Hockey-Elbow-Pads-Senior/DR-X80-Senior-Hockey-Elbow-Pads.html

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