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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Are shafts from broken 1 piece sticks or manufactured 2 piece shafts better?

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I have heard that the flex points ok broken one piece shafts are better

First of all, there is no "better", only different. Second, it depends on how the stick is constructed. A "true" OPS or spear shaft construction will have to be cut fairly high up the taper in order to fit in a tapered blade, even higher for standard blades. Third, cutting higher in the taper will effectively lower the kickpoint of the stick, changing the way it shoots from its performance as an OPS. Meanwhile, a non-tapered OPS like the RBZ won't make a bit of difference. One thing to consider is that an OPS that has been used enough to break also likely has had the internal structure degraded somewhat already and is likely not as efficient as a new shaft.

Oh, and are you comparing it to a tapered two piece or a standard two piece? That would also make a difference in comparison.

Short version; Don't believe people that say something is "better", especially hockey players and doubly so when it comes to technology.

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A while back, I paired a broken TPS R8 with a tapered Harrow blade. That stick is still one of my all-time favourites. When the blade broke and I replaced it and it just wasn't the same.

I agree with Chadd's points above, you *may* catch lightning in a bottle with a broken OPS, but you're changing the engineering of the stick. A true shaft will give you consistency. Broken OPS' will be hit or miss.

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Okay thanks guys! Yah I ended up picking up a manufactured 2 piece apx even though I do have a ton of broken one piece shafts.

The shaft is pretty nice and has a lot of pop to it!

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