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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Law Goalie

Shin question: fabric shells

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I recently stumbled across a pair of Nike V10 shins which, for reasons of obscure personal preference, I absolutely love. In particular, one of the things I like best about them is that apart from the knee-cap, they're almost entirely wrapped in fabrics, from textiles and synthetic leathers to bias-cut nylon bindings all around the perimeter of the plastic shell on the shin itself. I totally get that this is unnecessary work, and that as the materials fray (especially at the bindings) it's going to look a lot 'rattier' a lot faster than a pad that leaves the plastics and heavy perimeter stitching uncovered.

My question is: what other shin pads, currently or historically, have this kind of complete fabric covering? Was this something Nike cooked up as a differentiator for the V-line (which I recall being alarmingly expensive) or had someone done it before? It just seems like kind of an odd, labour- and materials-intensive choice, but I have to admit I like the results.

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The current top end Easton models have fabric over the knee caps, on both the stealth and mako line.

I like it, because I don't know if it's just me but they really seem to slide a lot less on the ice when you fall.

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