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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer g3/nexus

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Hi there, was wondering if I could get some help. Probably a year or so ago I purchased a Kevin beiksa pro stock stick bauer total one "g3" ( I live in Vancouver) so they were easy to get.

It was my fav flex profile ever. I could just destroy shots. His curve is terrible though.

Anyway the nexus came out and heard it was similar to the g3 but I tried one but it's not the same. Now that Kevin is in easton his sticks don't show up any more.

Now that's it's a year or so later was wondering if anyone new the specs of his stick or one similar that doesn't have such a wacko curve. I was really hoping the nexus was it but it doesn't load slappers well as my retail total one were this g3 out shot that even for me. I read stamkos uses a g3 aswell but probably not easy to get.

Any help would be appreciated! Thank u

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Quite a few players use this flex profile. Biggest difference between the G3 and Nexus is the material the stick is made of. Flex profiles are similar but the composite materials are quite different. Being such a popular pro option your best bet might be to check ebay for "Bauer pro stock sticks".

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thanks, I will check the bay. I also notice the old bieksa was 107 flex where the max is 102 in the nexus so could also explain a bit of pop. Im a big guy 220 so heavier flex is probably better

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