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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 20k stick help

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Hey everyone, I just broke my 20k reebok and am looking to get the same or as close to the same as I can. I can't find it anymore in the crosby P87A dual grip LH. Hockey monkey has it in a full grip which i don't really prefer. But they have tons of pro stocks for pretty cheap...can anyone tell me which of these curves will be very similar to the P87A with a 5.5 LIE?


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The H11 is closest to the P92 Bauer, which I think is pretty close to the Crosby. I bought a 20K pro stock that I thought was close to a Crosby, but it is just there's a short, flat section in the blade, which I did not notice until I got home. If it would help, I can line up my 6K Crosby, one90 P92 and the 20K pro stock and send a picture. Just send an email to echin626 at yahoo dot com

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