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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Curves... which are good for...

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I have been asked by many kids what curves to buy.. well we all know that's a loaded question. Finding no definitive thread to answer all in one spot I am starting this

In your opinion I want to know what you think the curves are good for.

Heel , mid, and Toe.

open, or closed.

slap shots, wrist. in tight shooting, high elevation..etc

I am helping one of my players compile information and I will forward all info and opinions to him and link him to this thread.

he's a good kid with a Killer Hockey passion and is trying to really learn some hockey detail!

He wants to do some extra work for school., If he has some good information on this one thread it will really help him.

Cheers all, and thanks for your help,

Max is 11 years old...

He also wanted me to add... he uses a CCM U+ Tavares and a Easton 75s Iginla as his game sticks ...Jr, of course..lol

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Loft, deeper curves and softer flexes all help lift the puck when compared to neutral, shallow or stiff flexes.

As for the curves themselves, they are all good for everything. It's simply a matter of practice and learning skills, no blade will make you better.

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Honestly, I think at his age he shouldn't worry too much about it yet, it's better to stick with one pattern until he masters the fundamentals. Once mastered, it'll be easier for him to switch/try different ones.

To answer the question in my opinion, heel curves have a wider sweet spot for shooting, mid curves are generally better for cupping the puck, toe curves are great for quick snaps and I find it better for toe drag moves too. Open curves are easier to lift the puck with compared to closed ones.

Slapshots, tight shooting or such are more about good techniques and practice

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