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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How fast are you?

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Yeah, anything in the 15-18 zone is pretty damn good if you ask me. Considering NHL players have trouble getting below the 15-16 mark.

Yeah, but what makes the difference between Pros and amateurs are agility and quickness but not long distance skating...

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I told my friend about this little experiment after I saw some of the times fellow MSH'ers posted when I first started this thread.

He was in disbelief that amateurs could get even close to what NHL'ers skate in skills comps.

But I figured how much faster can an NBA player run than an amateur basketball player? Probably not too too much.

Obviously this is a one dimensional experiment, but it's fun none the less :)

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Yeah, anything in the 15-18 zone is pretty damn good if you ask me.  Considering NHL players have trouble getting below the 15-16 mark.

Yeah, but what makes the difference between Pros and amateurs are agility and quickness but not long distance skating...

Bingo. Look at the best pros, they may only go a bit faster than guys in the AHL or wherever in skills comps, but they're able to do everything at close to that top speed. Now obviously not everyone's going to be lke orr who could do everything and did it at top speed or bobby hull who did everything at top speed but didn't do everything, but whatever they do is going to be done much faster than guys in the AHL.

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