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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate holders

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Hey folks,

Just wondering - I played hockey for many years (up until about 2001) and a lot of skates seemed to have black holders. Just wondering, why is it you don't really see that anymore, they all seem to be white? I know you can purchase them, but I personally like the look of the black over the white...

Whats your opinion?


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So which do you prefer? I've always thought the black looks sleeker!

I can't see them when I'm playing, so it makes no difference to me at all.

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So which do you prefer? I've always thought the black looks sleeker!

I can't see them when I'm playing, so it makes no difference to me at all.

Yeah that's fair enough! I can't see the outside of my car when I'm driving either, but I like to make sure it's clean :)

I've heard the black dye weakens the material, so they aren't as strong. Not sure if it's true, however.

Ah ok! Would make sense for not using them. Was only curious

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