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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 20K Shin Guards Questions

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1) Did Reebok fix the issue with their Reebok 20K strapping system yet? If so, has anyone tested it out yet? I read in the MSH Long Term Review, and in other places, that the strapping system was all off kilter in the 20K, but that otherwise they are awesome shins (as I would hope, for them being $150).

2) Do Reebok 20K shins fit, lengthwise, the same as Bauer NXG? I read that CCM and Bauer measure their shins differently, so that equivalent sizes are actually listed as being 1 inch difference. So, if I am a 16 inch in Bauer NXG, does that mean I am also a 16 inch in Reebok 20K? I actually tried to try these on at HM a month ago, but the anti theft things made it impossible to get a feel for any of the shins.

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I've noticed that the newer Reebok shins run a little short. I'm usually a 16" with older model Reebok and Jofa shins, but had to go with a 17" with the newer model.

It looks like they've fixed the straps, also.

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