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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer vapor x6.0 vs Easton V5E

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You need to tell us a lot more about your game before we can give you any advice worth reading.

Just to give you some place to start...

Do you play D or O?
Related, does your game depend more on slap shots or quick wristers and snap shots?
If you had to make a choice, do you care more about puck feel/stickhandling or overall shot power?
Do you tend to have issues with blade durability? (Some people do, some don't. This can have a huge impact on which sticks you should consider)

Are you looking for a particular blade pattern?
What kind of shaft shape are you looking for, or is this not a big issue?
Literally anything else you can thing of. It might be helpful to know what stick you were using before and things you did or didn't like about it.

Finally, it seems like you're looking in the ~$100 price range. While the sticks you mentioned are decent mid-range sticks, you can get usually get a lot more twig for your money if you look into last gen. models. If you don't typically have issues with blade durability, there are some awesome sales on the mako right now. If you're looking for something that will lauch your slapshots like they came out of a cannon, check out the RBZ Maxx at TH. It's a little heavier than the RBZ but has the same blade construction and is right in your wheelhouse pricewise. The Sher-Wood T90 is also just an excellent all around stick and pretty durable to boot.

If you are sure you want one of the two you posted, I'd say the Bauer will probably give you a better feel for the puck overall, and it seems to be lighter, so you may get a quicker release on wristers. The Easton will probably give you a little more shot power on snap and slap shots due to the elliptical taper and emphasis on a rigid blade construction that won't twist.

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Of the two you picked, I would lean towards the X 6.0 in a whippy (67-77) flex. Perfect fit for your game. If you're not too tall or prefer a shorter stick, consider intermediate models. You'll save some $$$ and probably get a better flex.

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