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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Deep as 709?

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Got back into playing after a couple years off, and I'm looking to change my skates. I've been playing d using my Graf 709s and the protection on the sides is not great. Problem is I have a high bump on my instep, so I need deep fitting skates. Any other companies offering a deep boot with stiffer sides?


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I found the Easton S17 was a pretty deep fitting skate. Having used both (709 and S17), I've found them to have comparable depth, but the 709 was of a higher build quality (the S17, while stiffer, fell apart fairly quickly).

You could also try a Bauer Nexus boot, as they're also pretty deep in their fit profile.

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I had luck with the CCM U+ line. Never got a chance to try the 709's so I can't compare but the CCM's definitely are on the deeper side.

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Got back into playing after a couple years off, and I'm looking to change my skates. I've been playing d using my Graf 709s and the protection on the sides is not great. Problem is I have a high bump on my instep, so I need deep fitting skates. Any other companies offering a deep boot with stiffer sides?


You're better off just buying some Skate Fenders or some type of shot blocker if you want the extra protection. I wear Total Ones (one of the stiffest boots available) and I took a shot off the side. As soon as I took off my skate my ankle swelled up and I was on crutches for a week before the swelling went down.

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I went from 709s to U+ 12s a couple of years ago.

The depth over the top of your arch should be comparable but IIRC the 709s were the deeper of the two.

I agree with the post above, though. If you have the fit you like and just want some more protection, skate fenders sound like a good option.

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Kor shift 2 was as deep as the 709, maybe even deeper, and was fairly protective. The sizing was odd and they're going to be more difficult to find now, but they are the only thing that I can think of that compares.

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Thanks guys. I'm gonna try in a pair of nexus - if they don't work out I'll try fenders. I had 8090s a few years ago and they weren't deep enough.

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