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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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quick question to you guys wearing padded shirts

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hey guys, looking for a little input here as I don't wear a padded shirt. My daughter has gotten very competive in karate tournaments ove rthe last year and has advanced pretty quickly, and really excels at the sparring/kumite. That being said chest/rib protection is entirely optional , but I feel she should probably start wearing something just to soften the blow. Looking at the traditional martial arts chest protectors, most are kind of body armor/foam and not much more advanced than a baseball cather's chest protecter with added side rib coverage and to me they are a bit bulky especaill for a teen/tween. My idea looking at the padded shirts is that they will give her the level of protection she needs without having the bulk, as my goal isn't her to not feel anything, just not necssarily get totally blasted if she makes a mistake against a good opponent. The 7k Reebok looks like it has a good balance of flexible padding in the right places, light weight, etc and would go under her Gi seamelessly. Do i sound crazy for that approach, as some of these kids geared up look like the Michelin man and really can't do some things they could before.

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Thanks! I think it would although just looking at their shirt in comparison to the Reebok and a few of the others, I think it proibably has a bit less padding than I would like it to have. Just waiting until noon to call a certain LSH here as their website does list the 7k on it will call to see if they have them in store. As G-Force is only in RI, if I have to we'll plan a daytrip down there to look at them if I can't find anyting she likes locally.

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I've been an avid marital artist pretty much since I was a little kid. The first thing I would be worried about for her is her mobility. I would hate for her to have on one of those padded shirts for her to realize that she can't swing her hips as powerful/fast, or if she feels restricted in anyway. That being said I think the Reebok 7K would not be allowed because of the plastic insert over the sternum like Special Blend mentioned. If the 9K is just foam then I wouldn't see a problem with it. Make sure the trainer/instructor is okay with it, and that it meets all the tournament rules and standards and so on. I own three different gyms, and work as a head instructor and I wouldn't see a problem with it; but then again I have never dealt with Karate other than a few student who come to me with a background in it.

There is also the Down Low shirt which might be okay because I believe it is all foam as well,without any plastic. (I may be wrong, but just something to look into)

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thanks guys, yes I figured the 7k had the hard plastic so that crosses it off the list, so I will focus on the 9k. Special Blend, did/does the 9k have anything on the sides below the arm for rib protection like the 7k does or is it bascially just frontal protection?

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