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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacement Blade for 1-Piece Composite Stick

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I broke one of my Ai-9's in a beer league game a few weeks ago and figured it was trash. A few days later I was on the bench helping out with a youth hockey practice at the same rink, and discovered both pieces of the stick laying on the ground behind the penalty box. I realized that the shaft may have enough length to serve a purpose as an extra stick for my 10 yr old, so I grabbed it and threw in the car.

1) Will the Ai-9 shaft 'receive' a replacement blade (i.e. is there enough space...) - or is there inadequate room to get blade in there?

2) Is it worth the cost of a replacement blade to even do this, when I've still got my 10 yr old using relatively inexpensive sticks at this point?

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you can fit a replacement blade in the broken stick. You may either have to cut some more or flip the stick over and use the top to put the blade in. The only issue you may run into is the stick may be too stiff for your son to use. Check this tread for more http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php/topic/7494-cutting-ops-at-fuse-point/?hl=%2Bfuse+%2Bpoint

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you can fit a replacement blade in the broken stick. You may either have to cut some more or flip the stick over and use the top to put the blade in. The only issue you may run into is the stick may be too stiff for your son to use. Check this tread for more http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php/topic/7494-cutting-ops-at-fuse-point/?hl=%2Bfuse+%2Bpoint

This, and also shaft dimensions may be too big if your old stick's a senior.

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