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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new bauer vapors fit compared to old ones

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Hi All,

I'm new to this forum as also to ice skating.

I want ot buy a hockey skates and I look buying online a vapors x60/x70, but have never tried them.

I've tried the old vapors x2.0 in size 10R which were pushing my toes, and 11R which was lets say Ok, but with laces not tighten and sitting with them, I felt them a little bit loose. I think if those x2.0s was 10.5 they would have been ok in my opinion, but they didn't have 10.5 in x2.0s.

Accordin to your experience, how do you think the new vapor series fit, compared to the old ones, are they the same or differ?

Should I go fot 10.5D on x60/x70 accorind to the written above?

Thank you

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The fit is very much the same but perhaps just slightly wider in the forefoot. not enough to make much of a difference, especially lengthwise which seems to be your biggest concern.

If you're looking at X60/70 range, and you want to try them on but don't have an LHS around, go to your local dick's sporting goods. the X60 is the highest level skate they offer but they also won't bug you when you try on a bunch. You can find the right size and then deal-shop online or get the X70s if you prefer.

If this is not an option, from what you said about how the x2.0s fit, then yes go with a 10.5D.

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