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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ID Rollerpop

Combat 52 Cal Pant sizing question

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I have been looking off and on for a decent deal on ice pants in an adult small for my son who will be moving up to Bantam next season. I recently found a very good deal on Combat 52 Cal adult ice pants and they are available in two sizes identified as 48 and 50. I found this a little odd as every other time I had looked at the 52 Cals I thought they were sized s-m-l-xl. Does anyone have any real input as to the sizing on a size 48 52 Cal pant? My son is coming from a size JR Large Reebok 5k that he has been in for several years that are getting a bit short and are on their last legs already. Thanks for any help. Any thoughts on quality would also be greatly appreciated.

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I had a pair of these pants, albeit in a size 54. I am 6' and weigh 200lbs, and found they fit me fine, with good length and lots of room. They had on them waist size 34-36, which is spot on with my pant size, so I would guess that a 48 would be 28-30 for waist size.

I wore them for a full season of gents, so 20+ games, plus pickup, and they held up fine. I sold them to a buddy as I got another pair as a gift, and he is still using them without any issues. I have a teammate wearing them as well, and he likes their fit and durability too.

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I cannot comment on the Combat pants, but Tackla and Eagle are both among the few companies who use EUR sizing, putting 48 firmly in SR M and 46 as SR S.

Your son also would have the option of JR XL in some models.

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