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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help! Shin Gaurd Replacement...

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I have recently had to replace my entire set of gear due to a theft. So far I have been successful in getting stuff I like except for 2 things: shin pads and a girdle. I had a pair of old Jofa shin pads (9090s I think). I was wondering if anyone could suggest a similar Reebok pad to replace them that is currently available.

I also just got a bauer vapor APX girdle that was great but I can't seem to find a replacement for it. Any ideas/suggestions would be helpful.

PS. I currently play 2-3x/wk at an A/B level in my local men's league.

Thanks for any and all help

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For the shins you should just go into a shop (or 2 or 3 if you can't find all the products you want at one store) and try on everything you can to see what feels the most comfortable for you. One of the pads I'd try on is the Warrior Dynasty AX1 pads a try. They're a high volume shin pad like the Jofas, but have a nicer liner and a comfortable strapping system. I felt the senior 16" versions had a little too much volume in the calf area for me, however; if you take a 15" or 14" you can choose between a senior and intermediate size - the intermediate size simply has less volume. People seem to also like the Easton Mako shins and I'm happy with my Warrior Projekts.

The most readily available girdles in my area are the Bauer TotalOne NXG (comes with a shell so looks like a pant, but is in fact a girdle shell combo) and the Supreme One.8. The NXG is a protective girdle/shell that was launched last year and the One.8 is the old TotalOne/One95/One90 girdle with a shell.

The girdle I wear is the Warrior Projekt. I couldn't find it locally in Toronto, but it's more readily available in the US (I saw it at both TotalHockey and Perani's on my last visit to the US). It's the lightest girdle made for ice hockey and I find it very mobile/comfortable. I tried on the NXG in a store when it first came out and it felt heavier and more restrictive compared to the Projekt.

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I went shopping for Shins not long ago, and tried on just about everything at Monkey Sports.

Found I liked the Warrior Dynasty AX2 the best, even more than the AX1 because the angled segmented foam padding(with inserts)on the AX2 wrapped around my skinny calf better than the stiffer horizontal rubbery ribs that are part of the calf protection on the AX1....money really wasn't an issue, if I found pads that wrapped around my calf as well, and had the same protection, I would have spent more....I got them for $59, I think they are usually $79 there, and if I were looking again, I'm betting I'd walk out with the same pr at $79.

I like the strapping system a lot as well, they don't move even if I don't use tape outside my socks.

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