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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Free skate sharpening at Utah SCHEELS

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I took my toddler daughter to the SCHEELS super sporting goods store in sandy to ride the Ferris wheel and see the stuffed wildlife. I heard they had a small hockey department and did skate sharpening so took my skates along.

I told the guy at the service desk what hollow I wanted and they were done by the time we'd ridden the wheel and took some selfless with the trophy mule deer. When I asked who to pay he told me their regular sharpening is complimentary and they only charge for flat bottom v sharpening s.

I've been out on them three times and they skate great.

I was able to put my money toward some sweet new colored waxed laces instead.

Props to the them for the good service. I'll be back.

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I think I saw a sign for free sharpening the last time I was in the St. Cloud mn Scheels. Maybe they offer it at all their stores?

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