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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Speedblade 4.0 holder/runner questions (for the experts)

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Hey this question is directed towards the pro shop experts on here (JR, Darkstar, etc)

With the new holder that CCM/RBK is using on their higher end skates (Speedblade 4.0) I know some of the changes between this and their old (Epro) holder such as the standard mounting hole pattern (to match easton and Tuuk), the 4mm higher height etc.

The question I have has to do with the blade length vs their old Epro holder.

I know that CCM is recommending that if you were a size 7 in the U+/CL skates you would most likely be a 6.5 in the new RBZ line (.5 size down from their previous model's sizing).

Well i checked with the holder sizing on their new skates and a size 6.5 and a size 7 in the RBZ both appear to come with a 263 sized blade holder/runner (the size 7 CL and U+ line skates had a 271 holder). I know this is very common for companies to change holder sizes with new lines/models etc but personally, I am a massive creature of habit when it comes to my skating and I am used to skating on a 271 sized blade with an Epro holder. I have tried other setups over the years and I keep resorting back to what I know and love (271 epro) to the point that I actually even have a 271 Epro on my current skates (size 7.5 Easton S17).

Now on to my question, due to the drop in holder size on the equivalently sized RBZ line skate (when compared to their old line), did they happen to make the blade longer to compensate for this? I know Bauer did this with the one90 holder since they recommended such a drastic skate size drop with those skates, the blade length on those skates was actually equal to the next holder size up on thier old blades.

I am just curious if anyone has any info or feedback on this.

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